Partner Program

Earn money by uploading and sharing your videos with SafeStream.

tier 1 $40
tier 2 $30
tier 3 $20
tier 4 $10

Earn a fixed amount per 10.000 views. The payment amount is calculated from the countries referred to in the Tier List above. Each country that is not listed in table is worth $5.00 every 10k views.

  • Minimum payout amount is just $5.00 for LTC/USDT, $15.00 for BTC payouts..
  • 10% of the video must be watched to be counted as a view. If it is below 5 minutes, 90% is required to be watched.
  • Adult content is allowed.
  • Currently our payment methods that you can select from: Bitcoin, USDT-TRC20, LTC
  • Payouts are daily. Except on weekends, only weekdays payouts.
  • 2 Views are counted per 24 hours per ip.